Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An underwear Lynching

Wow, if David Lynch ever made an underwear commercial, I imagine it would probably look something like this. Except maybe a little darker and probably filmed with a red filter.

Maybe I'm missing something, I was never very good at sitting all the way through Eraserhead without asking a billion questions, so the chances are quite high. As someone said in the comments below this video on youtube - they were waiting for Lady Gaga to appear, same here commenting person! I'm not sure about setting an undie ad in a prison, you could read into it somewhat, like your package feels like it's imprisoned in this garment, or you've always got watch your back when you're wearing them.

We're still looking for male models for the upcoming Living Dolls Show 2010 so if you know of a fella in the Christchurch area who'd be keen, send him our way! morgan@nudel.co.nz for more info, or click through on the Living Dolls link to see what the show's all about. I'll be there too, and I'd love to meet some supporters of nudel. And of course you get to keep the pair you model!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Living Dolls Show 2010

Here at nudel, not only are we seeking the next amazing designer for a print on the next run, but we're also on the hunt for male models for an awesome upcoming show! The Living Dolls Show 2010 is happening at The Bedford in Christchurch on the 28th August and nudel is right amoungst the thick of it.
The uber talented Sophia Lee and her team put the Living Dolls show on last year for the first time I think and it totally sold out, infact I think they had to turn people away. So this year they're hoping for a two nighter so everyone gets a piece of the action. And it's not just a lingerie show, there's oh so much more - burlesque acts, circus acts, Roller Derby girls hooning around looking awesome, dancers, a live band and yours truly will be taking care of the MC duties.

So if you know of a fella who's comfy enough in his undies to strut his stuff infront a room of excitable people then we'd love to hear from him! Simply email morgan@nudel.co.nz with a pic (preferably in your gruds) and we'll take it from there. You don't have to be an Adonis - I want real-world-bodied men, a little spare tyre ain't going to hurt none, don't you worry. I'll be right there with you and I'm a skinny ninny so we'll all be in this together! Oh yes, don't forget there will be numerous scantily ladies everywhere too, but I'm sure you'll get used to that very quickly indeed.

If you're a girl reading this, then let's get your man involved! Dare him, tempt him, make deal, he'll be amazing.

Friday, June 25, 2010

New design time

Hey there undie fans. Well the time has finally come, the next run is nigh; nudel is now looking for the next amazing New Zealand artist for their design to feature on the next run! Graphic designers, painters, photographers, stencilers, anyone is welcome to submit a piece. We're not running a competition this time, you simply email your best design to morgan@nudel.co.nz and we'll pick our favourite one.

This time round we'll be swapping out the white fabric with grey but sticking with good 'ol black as well. Grey seemed slightly safer for guys who are maybe a little shy of white, so we'll see how that goes, hopefully really well! Mediums by far are the best seller so we'll producing even larger numbers in that size and less of XL most likely and even L. What else, what else...

Make sure you spread the word! We're excited to see some more examples from talented Kiwis nationwide. Until next time :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dolce & Gabbana

I have been trawling youtube for male underwear commercials and came across some doozies! Some are quite inspiring, some are just downright cheese, but do they make me want actually go out and buy their product?

Who you're targeting when it comes to producing a commercial, I would imagine, plays such an important role. I'm certain that women are the target market when it comes to guy's underwear, especially the higher end brands, the names you know you're going to look great in. Don't get me wrong, I still believe there are some men out there who don't have a partner, or do but still are independently aware of their underwear choice ie. give a damn about what they're wearing underneath.

I found this Dolce & Gabbana advertisement on youtube. It was quite epic as you can see and I watched the entire thing even though I didn't really understand what the whole point of it was. OK so there's a guy, he seems quite angry which maybe I've mistaken for passion? The model appears to be pretty much anatomically perfect and acts well but there is a point during the 2:25 when I just think
When's the custard pie going to smack him right in the face?
Perhaps it's just my take on things, maybe I like an otherwise cliche concept flipped on it's head, that would make it much more memorable for me. Is the idea of taking normal, every day guys with all their handles and hairy bits too much for your average viewer? Will they fail to see the appeal and only focus on the humour? Am I portraying my brand in what could be labelled as a negative light? Let's face it, no matter how amazing the underwear; the cut, the fabric, the celebrity endorsement, you're not going to totally rid a man of his beer gut. I think you should give him something that makes him feel great. He knows about his tummy, but when he's got the confidence, it doesn't matter about the size of his stomach, it's what's going on in his head that makes the difference. And that's what I want nüdel to do; give everyday men with REAL WORLD BODIES the confidence they deserve. Because it's not just the ladies who have to deal with image.

Take a look at the D&G video and try work out where the best spot for a pie in the face would be... I reckon at about 1:43.