Wow I really should have begun this blog a long time ago, so much has happened since I made the move to bring nüdel from a snug, thigh hugging concept into reality. But here I am, here we are, with the first run featuring a mint design from Christchurch stencil artist; Bart Hoedemakers almost all sold out!
The next run will be a shorter leg, trunk style. The feedback I got on the long leg was selling it was 50/50 as to whether long or short leg was preferred. I originally went with the long because that's my personal favourite style and it gave me more room for the first print. So now I have found myself spoilt for choice for the next piece of art, with some local artists submitting their work, established designers from Auckland and even Tiki Taane is keen!
nüdel has taken on Coco PR up in Auckland who are doing an amazing job hooking me up with a whole bunch of media and potential celebrity artists. They really 'get' my brand and have lots of good ideas, it's great having a fresh outlook on the product because it's easy to get focussed on one thing or rather, doing things one way. So mid to late March will be the official launch of nüdel, to coincide with them featuring on Good Morning on the 16th and we'll be kicking off a nationwide competition where artists can submit their work with the chance to have a their piece appearing on nüdel undies.
So it's all go!